Grace Kulaba
Active Member
Joined: Mar 2, 2020
Last seen: May 18, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 11
RE: Are the best practices that African countries may consider, both from regional and experiences from other parts of the world in the implementation of AfCFTA?

@margaretnagujja that is very true, I would add that mutual recognition of testing standards is highly recommended, whereby each country retains the...

5 years ago
RE: Are the best practices that African countries may consider, both from regional and experiences from other parts of the world in the implementation of AfCFTA?

In addition, African countries can learn from the EU's internal market economy, the EU had discouraged to large extent overregulation since it stifles...

5 years ago
RE: What will it take for African countries to overcome regulatory barriers that necessitate regulatory cooperation?

In my opinion since this a policy issue I suppose that the governments through regional integrations blocks, need to avoid unnecessary barriers to tra...

5 years ago