In line with the overall and programe objective of TRAPCA, TRAPCA graduate tracer surveys constitute an important tool to ensure effectiveness, relevance and impact of the trapca programmes. Tracer survey exercises evaluate the potential impact of the training activities conducted periodically. The impact is mainly on their skills, knowledge, attitudes and networks attained in each course.
The first graduate tracer survey was launched between August and December, 2010.The survey targeted a sample of 30% of the graduates from all levels of studies. Findings of the graduate survey (2006-2010) indicate that trapca is a unique organization that is filling a vital niche in the market. trapca graduates are involved in multilateral, regional and bilateral trade negotiations.
Since 2010, TRAPCA conducts tracer surveys on a biannual basis. These TRAPCA Tracer Surveys collects information regarding graduates’ employment and labour market status, job mobility and behavioural changes at the work place.