Understanding and implementing Investment treaties


The course provides an in-depth analysis of the implementation aspects of the investment treaties including the AfCFTA Investment Protocol.

Investment, just like Trade in Services is an increasingly important part of regional integration agenda. The ability to rationalize national interests in a negotiation context and further rationalize the implementation of the resulting outcomes for implementation purposes remains a singular source of concern confronting African countries in their Regional Economic Communities (RECs) regimes. In this regard, as African Countries draw towards implementation of the AfCFTA Investment Protocol, it is critical to build capacity of Public and Private sector, and Civil society stakeholders so that they become well equipped with knowledge and expertise for implementation of the Protocol.

This course focuses on the different aspects of Investment Treaties as well as the Investment Protocol to facilitate the AfCFTA Partner States in implementation of the Investment Protocol. The trainings will also enhance knowledge of the Partner States on their understanding of legal and regulatory policy framework on investment at national and regional level, and take stock of the links between the proliferation of bilateral investment treaties, exiting investment protocols within the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to guide their positions on investment in AfCFTA. 

Who Should Attend?

Officials from Investment Promotion Agencies, Trade and Trade Related Ministries, Central Banks, Competition Authorities, Private Sector and Civil Society.

How Participant Will Benefit

At the end of the course participants should be able to

  1. Demystify investment articles/provisions on investment treaties/protocol
  2. Understand the Protocol on Investment under AfCFTA;
  3. Enhance their knowledge on the investment provisions in investment agreements; and
  4. Effectively, assist in implementation of the AfCFTA Protocol on Investment. 

Indicative Topics

  • Landscape of bilateral and regional investment treaties in Africa and overview of multilateral agreements.
  • Overview & architecture of BITs.
  • Modern investment provisions in Investment Treaties.
  • Investment Facilitation.
  • Provisions of the AfCFTA Investment Protocol.
  • Potential opportunities and challenges from the Protocol.

2 Weeks

a) Venue 1: Mombasa, Kenya
Date: 25 March – 5 April 2024

b) Venue 2: Mombasa, Kenya
Date: 21 October – 01 November 2024

Course Fees


    Self EmployedEmployedNot Employed

    Puplic/ParastatalPrivateRegional/Civic organisationsAcademic Institution

    25th March - 5th April 2024 - Mombasa, Kenya21 Oct - 1st Nov 2024 - Mombasa, Kenya