Implementing Regional Trade Agreements in Africa

Statement of need

The course provides an in-depth analysis of the political economy dimension underpinning African regional and economic integration as well as historical perspectives behind African trade and economic integration. If further recasts the concept of preferential in international trade within a broader discourse on the relationship between regionalism and multilateralism. Furthermore, it interrogates the notion of sovereignty in an integrating world as well as the emergence of nationalism as a corollary to trade and economic integration. Moreover, the course assesses the level of ambition set out in African regional trade agreements as against regulatory realities not subject to RTA disciplines as well as the implications of shifting the approach to trade among nations to the bilateral level.

The case studies cover SADC, EAC, COMESA, TRIPARTITE, UEMOA, ECOWAS, IGAD, ECCAS, proposed CFTA, SACU etc. The course makes further use of case studies involving trade arrangements between Africa and third parties such as EPA, EBA, AGOA and various GSP schemes. Moreover, it involves regional and economic integration experiences and recent developments from other regions including plurilateral and mega-regionals and their relevance and impact on African Regional trade and economic integration. 

Course objectives

  • An acquirement of conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of economic and legal foundations of regional trade and economic integration
  • A deep understanding of the meaning and relevance of economic and legal aspects of regional trade arrangements and their implications and impact on individual countries, regions, African Continent as well as the relationship of African countries with third parties.
  • A deep appreciation of the conceptual complexities and opportunities within the context of the African agenda on trade liberalization and economic integration
  • Advanced knowledge of existing and prospective African regional integration trading schemes,
  • A multi-dimensional appreciation of approaches to regional trade and economic integration 


  • Regional trade Agreement subject matter.
  • Conceptual, theoretical and applied knowledge of regulatory aspects of international trade.
  • Identifying regulatory aspects of international trade in goods and services with national, regional and international contexts and trade agreements
  • Understanding the rationale behind the adoption, maintenance and changes of trade agreements at Multilateral, and regional levels
  • Rationalizing on a cross-sectional basis, trade liberalization-related commitments and the perceived benefits as against the prevailing regulatory environment at national and regional levels.
  • Exposing participants to the political economy questions of domestic, regional and international trade regulation
  • Expose best practices in trade in goods and services regulation through case studies.
  • Static and Dynamic effects of regional integration.
  • Regional integration and development.

Target group

Officials from Trade and Trade Related Ministries and parastatals, officials from Regional Economic Communities, Negotiators, and Regional Integration Practitioners. Ministries of law including attorney general offices, ministries of foreign affairs, ministries of trade and finance etc

2 Weeks

Venue: 9 – 20 June 2025
Date: Accra – Ghana

Course Fees


    Self EmployedEmployedNot Employed

    Puplic/ParastatalPrivateRegional/Civic organisationsAcademic Institution

    Accra - Ghana