Statement of need
Economic diplomacy is one critical opportunity African governments must tap into and identify mitigation strategies against the challenging economic environment. This requires strengthening the capacity of African Trade Officials to comprehend issues at stake, negotiate and expand their national trade interests within their jurisdiction of accreditation in seeking out and expanding markets for their goods and services, and procuring investment as well as rationalizing operational aspects of their governmental system as against the changed structure of conducting international diplomacy.
The course is designed to give Officials a sound understanding of the key issues involved in economic diplomacy, ongoing trade arrangements, commercial diplomacy and the techniques employed by diplomats to advance their state’s commercial interests. It will examine the various facets of the dynamics of international trade. It will clarify the major issues involved in international trade and trade-related issues and develop an understanding of the role of diplomatic missions in promoting business, attracting investments and facilitating trade. It will demonstrate an understanding of the primary issues and conflicts, which usually influence the formation of international trade policies in consideration of restructured roles of various actors including non-traditional actors in diplomacy.
To facilitate the attainment of the highlighted outcomes, the following training will cover the following topic areas:
Target Group
This course is intended for audiences working involved in the active regulation of markets both at the horizontal and vertical levels of government, ministries, parastatals and agencies dealing with diplomacy.
2 Weeks
Date: 3rd – 14th March 2025
Venue: Mbabane, Eswatini
Course Fees