Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in general and Low-income sub-Saharan African countries in particular have not been able to benefit from the growth of international trade and globalisation during the last decades. While most other developing countries have been growing and reducing poverty, the LDCs and the sub-Saharan African low-income countries have been left outside this process. One explanation for the poor results among these countries is an overall lack of knowledge of the functioning of the international trade system and the possibilities for LDCs to improve trading conditions through the development of proper trade policies and to negotiate better conditions for themselves in the multilateral and regional trade agreements.
With the purpose to broaden and deepen the understanding in LDCs of the importance of trade and trade policy for development, this course addresses key issues that officials working in trade related institutions must be abreast of. The course will therefore introduce participants to key concepts in the economics of trade and trade policy; key aspects of multilateral trade regulatory framework and how it relates to the various continental trade related regulatory frameworks and then conclude with a consideration of negotiations in international relations.
Expected training outcomes
Fees and other costs
The fee for the programme will be payable in US dollars and will cover tuition, presentation material and other documentation. It also includes lunch and refreshments during each working day. Discounts are available for every 2 or more delegates registered from the same institution.
Course Fee: $1800
Venue: Livingstone, Zambia. However, subject agreement with clients, the course may be offered in any of the following venues: Kampala, Uganda, Mombasa, Kenya; Nairobi Kenya; Livingstone Zambia; Arusha, Tanzania and Dubai.
Dates: 29 May-2 June 2023
How to apply
Prospective participants should apply by filling the form below.
For any inquiries, kindly write to admissions@trapca.org