Negotiation and Utilization of Trade Defense Instruments in African Regional Economic Integration.


Despite of being a permanent feature of every African Regional Economic Community’s trade agreement, only a few countries in Africa have the capacity to invoke provisions of trade defense instruments. Consequently, most trade negotiators do not have either theoretical or practical knowledge of these instruments. They therefore fail to factor them in, in the overall balance of negotiated concessions and outcomes. This is generally due to lack of technical capacity in this area as well as institutional incapacities that are key to making legitimate use of trade defense instruments by countries. Training on trade defense instruments (i.e. Anti-Dumping, Safeguards, Subsidies, Countervailing Measures and dispute settlement mechanism) is therefore key. An Africa-centric training that should carry an in-depth review of the substantive elements of the three contingent trade remedies as well as their procedural requirements in the context of AfCFTA and African RTAs is key. The course will be open to public and private sector participants as well as the civil society.

Objectives of the Course

The objectives of the course are to:

  • Rationalize the relationship of trade defense instruments and provisions with other provisions of trade in goods protocols and agreements as well as trade services protocol
  • Establish the role of trade defense instruments as part of factors that balance negotiated concessions and outcomes
  • Analyse technical aspects of trade defense instruments and identify their implementation implications
  • Highlight key requirements necessary for the employment of trade defense instruments
  • Train participants on the implementation dimensions of trade defense instruments including at national and regional level
  • Review implementation, compliance and enforcement aspects of trade defense instruments

Scope of Coverage

The course will cover the following:

  • Application and implementation aspects of Anti-Dumping, Safeguards, Subsidies, Countervailing Measures
  • Analytical aspects of distinct requirements of trade defense instruments
  • Capacity to invoke trade defense instruments
  • Relationship of trade defense instruments and other intra-trade in goods agreement provisions.

Fees and other costs

The fee for the programme will be payable in US dollars and will cover tuition, presentation material and other documentation. It also includes lunch and refreshments during each working day. Discounts are available for every 2 or more delegates registered from the same institution.

Course Fee: $1800

Venue: Mombasa, Kenya. However, subject agreement with clients, the course may be offered in any of the following venues: Kampala, Uganda, Mombasa, Kenya; Nairobi Kenya; Livingstone Zambia; Zanzibar, Arusha, Tanzania and Dubai.

Dates: 1-5 May 2023

How to apply

Prospective participants should apply by filling the form below.


For any inquiries, kindly write to


    Self EmployedEmployedNot Employed

    Puplic/ParastatalPrivateRegional/Civic organisationsAcademic Institution

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